Calculate Begin and End Dates for Month/Year

Calculate the Begin and End dates from a given Period/Year combination or to calculate the month’s begin and end dates from a given date. Like if you are given Period=3, Year=9, the Begin and End dates will be 03/01/2009 and 03/30/2009 respectively. Similarly if you were given a date say – 2/17/2009, the return Begin & End dates will be 02/01/2009 and 02/28/2009.

Change Database values using MS Access (JDE E1 Oracle)

For people who have problems with SQL, there’s an easier way of changing backend database values. How about using MS Access where you can directly type in the values, and it gets updated or you can Insert, Update Delete & you can export, import…. and all.
Following is the tutorial for setting up MS Access with Oracle Database Backend for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Send Email with PDF Output

E-Mail the output of your UBE using this simple functionality, by retrieving your JobNumber and simple JDE setups. Uses BSFN – B0500190 (SendEMailHRM) for Xe until 8.10, or B0500725 – Email Merge Letter for other versions.

Pop up Report/UBE after Processed

There are many instances where we do Report Interconnects from Interactive Applications, like print the Order from an order screen, or process something from an interactive application button. But, in all those cases, the report fires on the Server, and you need to go visit the Work Submitted Jobs to check the output. Every User asks for the same convenience, if they can get the output direct on the screen without going to the WSJ.
Here is a crude way of popping up a UBE output onto the screen, without going to the Work Submitted Jobs. This makes life easy for the users.

Convert UTC Time Format to Local Date and Time format

UTC stands for Universal Time Coordinate and is a long integer containing the elapsed minutes since Midnight on January 1, 1970 in Greenwich, England. Lets try some ER which would help converting timezones, from and to. Similarly use UTC time zone and its format effectively for Multi-Location Projects/softwares.