Escaping Devil’s Workshop

“Idle Mind is a Devil’s Workshop….!” What a Truth…! I’ve been sitting idle for the past couple of days, our server’s down. There’s nothing much I can do about it.
Going on Thinking what am I gonna do… feeling to do… where to…. what to… how to…
As we know.. All these thoughts crop up in the mind only when you are lazy enough to see that you are sitting idle, cropping up something devilish. Then You start thinking of the past, present and the future, run diagnostics, peel off the good things, and start off to mitigate the positiveness of what happened.
The personality of a person takes shape in the ‘boredom hour’. It all depends on the how a person utilises his/her time when he/she has nothing to do. Idle time spent doing creative work results in accumulation of positive thoughts and energy but the same can cause personality disorders if wasted in some destructive work.
I’ve seen people falling prey to dual or multiple personality wherein we see extreme mood swings in individual. Its a kind of multiple personality disorder as a situation where on one hand the person is full of aggression and on the other hand he/she behaves like a child. In between the individual also maintains his/her actual personality. Funny enough isn’t it? Yes it is.. People do start to think of all the negativity that has been surging up their lives, and start to leave off the good.
Wanna Make Something Devilish

Instances like people peering into others lives, or even as there are few acquaintances, of mine, actually those who were staying alone, started developing
a nature of pegging down other people for their deeds, and actions, discriminating them, and at the extreme levels they start molding the good to relatively bad. They start lamenting the world, the people around them, and eventually start loosing the hope within themselves.
All that such guyz think are the atrocious & evil of mankind, as because their mind’s filled up with inferior feeling of Not having Something to Do. The Inner subconscious mind tells them that they are sitting idle, “look at the other people working.., doing their own creations, their work”. The conscious mind starts to palliate the thought saying “Oh my dear… Let them, they are fools trying to make themselves part of the world, there’s nothing much you can gain by doing those..”, starts making you indolent.
But, yes these people are not on blame. The personality disorder also occur because of conflicts and sufferings faced by a person in early life. Children who see domestic violence at home are usually prone to personality disorders.

2 thoughts on “Escaping Devil’s Workshop

  1. gunjan Reply

    Very true….i agree completely….good to know that somebody else sees idleness the same way.
    I, on my part, find myself getting irritable when I can’t find something to do. And yes I have observed people starting to get all negative and thinking how bad their situation is only because they have not been doing anything to improve their situation.

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